Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Cristiano Morroy is a New York based fashion photographer who was born in Turin but grew up in the south of Italy in a town called Otranto which is the most eastern in Italy facing the Greek Islands.  He moved to NYC to study jazz until he met Roberto D’Este who gave him an internship in photography. Cristiano grew up always interested in photography but his father never lent him his camera. He then began assisting full time and went on to work for photographers such as Mario Testino, Nathaniel Goldberg and Mario Sorrenti. 

What are your greatest inspirations or influences?

  • Irving Penn, Helmut Newton, Sebastiao Salgado,

  • Marcel Duchamp, Italian Futurism,

  • Italian Neorealism and The Beat Generation.

Most interesting response you have heard so far to your work?

It’s not for me to answer that you will have to ask them. 

What would be a dream project for you to shoot?

I am working on a project at the moment which explores nudity and how our physical appearance affects our relationship with society. 

How do you see your photography evolving?

I think that photography is facing a revolution and we are in a moment of transition.  More than ever we communicate through images instead of words and naturally that has changed our industry. It is the same kind of revolution we faced when everyone learned how to read and write. The perfect example of this change is Instagram - everybody can read and write but not everyone can write a book. 

My work has to evolve to keep up with these changes without losing its artistic integrity. 

Favorite websites, or publications?

  • LOVE Magazine

  • Document Journal

  • Stylezeitgeist

  • CR Fashion Book

  • V Magazine

  • and ;)

If you could pick one muse who would it be?

Monica Vitti

Most memorable shoot so far and why?

Stuart Weitzman - it was a great opportunity to work with such a talented team. 

Anything else you would like to share? 

Feel the BERN!