Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Today we invite our dear friend, Estonian model Karina Leps, who’s been featured before talking about fashion and constantly traveling the world pre covid, but today we speak on a very different perspective so thanks Karina for the catch up and for chatting with us today on wellbeing and what it means to you. We also want to take this moment to say a big thanks to all the people who asked us to bring up this subject and to include this as part of our interviews, because it is true, wellbeing as a topic means a lot of different things to people, and now more than ever we will see this topic merged with everything including the arts.

What is your definition of “ wellbeing” Karina?

Wellbeing means being more present every day and learning not to rush at all times. For me personally it also means breathing lightly and having time for hobbies, sleep, rest, sports, reading, time with family, helping others in need, voluntary work, donating. Wellbeing means being healthy physically and mentally.

How you incorporate wellbeing in your life?

Morning routine- I always drink a glass of water and I stretch. Im totally inspired by Jane Fonda all the way, I practice yoga and when possible I really get into Wim Hoff breathing in my cold morning showers. Part of a balanced routine is to have a solid healthy breakfast, and yeah I drink coffee .

Wellbeing also means, working out, and I love to mix it up. I combine my physical training, sometimes I practice Muay Thai boxing, Modern Dance, Basketball, or depending where I am, sometimes I go surfing, Moto Crossing and I love to run! Physical activity as you can see is part of my personal wellbeing and so is being outdoor in pure contact with nature.

Skincare routine?

I’ve been modeling for a long time, and one of the key tips to healthy hydrated skin, is to drink lots of water I can’t stress that enough. Keep your skincare light and simple, use tonic and use less make up. Also try to eat clean and get proper rest.

Tell us a quote that you live by or something inspiring Karina.

“Big brother is watching you” feels sort of relevant for the times!

Anything else you’d like to share that is part of your personal wellbeing Karina?

I strongly support animal rights. This is an issue very close to my heart and I mostly share and donate to local shelters, and support groups in Estonia . We all have a responsibility, let’s not leave it up to others to clean up our mess.